Commercial, Industrial Sites Embrace Innovation for New Generation

Pumps & Systems Podcast: Heat Pumps & Decarbonization

Decarbonizing building heating

In this panel with the New England Clean Energy Council (NECEC), Vicinity’s Chief Customer Officer Jackie Bliss joined experts to discuss how big buildings, campus installations and whole neighborhoods can migrate to clean forms of heating.

White paper: Revolutionizing urban sustainability

We’re amid an energy transformation driven by a mounting global crisis: climate change. Across the world, we are experiencing more extreme weather events due to accelerating levels of atmospheric greenhouse gas emissions. Mitigating carbon in the production and distribution of energy is now just as critically important as our society’s ever-growing need for energy itself. It’s clear that we need resilient, reliable and agile energy solutions…now. 

District energy systems, like Vicinity’s, are uniquely positioned to take advantage of existing infrastructure in conjunction with critical technological advancements to cost-effectively decarbonize quickly. This white paper highlights the benefits of district energy in a decarbonizing world, specifically how electrifying district energy can help urban centers rapidly and affordably achieve city and state carbon reduction goals.

Learn more about how the electrification of district energy systems can help U.S. cities achieve building decarbonization.

Now is the time to triple down on renewables

District energy and its importance to a greener future

In this interview with Capital Analytics, Chief Customer Officer of Vicinity Energy Jackie Bliss discusses why district energy will be crucial to decarbonization efforts, as well as the current status of women leadership in the energy and utilities sector.

How century-old ​‘district energy’ networks can help decarbonize cities

A clean energy future is in our grasp

Clean Energy Future Infographic

By taking action and implementing a host of innovative energy strategies and technologies, Vicinity is leading the way to building decarbonization.

District energy is key to addressing our energy and climate challenges

This short video published by the International District Energy Association showcases the important role district energy plays in a clean energy future, through job creation, cutting carbon emissions and enhancing resiliency.

Why university energy P3 deals are on the rise

Why university energy P3 deals are on the rise

by Crossroads: The Infrastructure Podcast | April 2021


On this episode, Brian Mueller, Chief Development Officer of Vicinity Energy, discusses the rise of energy public-to-private partnerships (P3) at universities in the U.S. Brian shares why colleges and universities are turning to P3 arrangements to accelerate the development of their next generation energy systems – and why this makes a lot of good sense.

About Crossroads: The Infrastructure Podcast

Crossroads is a podcast from the Inframation editorial team exploring the latest news and trends in the acquisition of infrastructure operational assets and companies. Established in 2002, Inframation is dedicated to the global infrastructure finance market, covering greenfield, brownfield and refinancing transactions. Hosted by Jon Berke, the editor of Inframation, Americas, the podcast explores topics ranging from commercial real estate to project finance and infrastructure funds.