Transforming district energy in Boston and Cambridge

As the Vicinity teams work hard to decarbonize our facilities across the country, we are sharing the key updates our facilities are undergoing during this transformation. The electrification of our operations is well underway in Boston and Cambridge, as our facilities across the country prepare to undergo similar processes in the coming months and years.

We are transforming our historic Kendall facility to meet our communities’ and customers’ needs by leveraging existing infrastructure and installing innovative technologies such as an industrial-scale electric boiler, a river-based heat pump complex, and thermal storage. The electrification of our operations will allow us to offer eSteam™, a carbon-free, renewable energy solution, to decarbonize our customers’ buildings and communities.

Learn more about the various updates we’re making to decarbonize our Boston and Cambridge operations below and stay tuned for all future updates on our progress.

Boston and Cambridge electrification progress

October 2024 update

This fall, our team wrapped up the deconstruction and removal of an old steam turbine from our turbine hall. This space was cleared to make way for the new steam compressor that will be part of our industrial-scale heat pump complex in the coming years.

Electrification progress

August 2024 update

During the summer months, progress has been made to transform our facility, making way for the industrial-scale heat pump complex and preparing the installed electric boiler for service. Feed water piping was installed to bring water into the future industrial-scale heat pump complex. Crews have been hard at work preparing to deconstruct an old steam turbine to make way for a new steam compressor that will be part of our industrial-scale heat pump complex once installed.

Electrification progress

June 2024 update

As soon as the electric boiler arrived at Vicinity’s Kendall facility, the team wasted no time in beginning the installation work required to bring this project to life. During the months of April and May, structural steelwork was completed to allow access for operation and provide a framework for mechanical and electrical systems. Crews have been hard at work installing auxiliary pumps, boiler trim, steam piping, and valves that will integrate the boiler into the facility’s existing systems.

Electric boiler installation


March 2024 update

At the end of March, our first industrial-scale 42MW electric boiler was installed! After months of preparing our Kendall, MA facility for its arrival and installation, our team successfully carried out the complex process of installing this large-scale technology. The electric boiler is expected to be fully operational by the summer of 2024, and begin serving our Boston and Cambridge customers with carbon-free eSteam™.

Electric boiler installation

March 2024 update

In March, our team got to work preparing the space in our Kendall facility where the 42MW electric boiler will be installed. This area is being prepped, and recently our team finished assembling the platform that the electric boiler will rest upon once installed. The 42MW electric boiler has arrived at our Kendall facility and is expected to be fully operational by the summer of 2024.
Electric boiler platform

February 2024 update

Several upgrades are taking place throughout February as part of our Kendall facility’s electrification transformation. Several pieces of equipment are being removed, demolished, or prepared to be demolished, to make room for our more sustainable and efficient systems.

The areas that will be home to these technologies are being prepared for their installation, with various demolition projects underway and steelwork being prepared. The 42MW electric boiler has arrived at our Kendall facility and is expected to be fully operational by the summer of 2024. The 35MW industrial-scale heat pump complex is anticipated to enter service at our Kendall facility in 2028.

Electrification and efficiency upgrades and preparations begin


December 2023 update

In December, Vicinity’s Deputy CEO and President Kevin Hagerty and Senior Vice President of Engineering Pat Gillooly traveled to the MAN Energy Solutions’ Oberhausen and Berlin engineering offices and manufacturing and assembly facilities, along with our design team from Vanderweil Engineers.

Our team met with MAN to align our goals and objectives for the industrial-scale, river-based heat pump complex to be installed at our Kendall facility in Cambridge, MA, and better understand the team’s full capabilities in engineering and producing high-quality heat pumps and steam compressor systems.

Vicinity team travels to Germany to meet with MAN Energy Solutions team


November 2023

In November, we announced the arrival of our 42MW industrial-scale electric boiler at our Kendall Square facility in Cambridge. After passing a factory acceptance test with Vapor Power International and Precision Boiler, the boiler was delivered to our Kendall facility to be prepared for installation.

The boiler will be installed in the coming months and is expected to be fully operational by the summer of 2024.

The electric boiler is pivotal in Vicinity’s mission to provide sustainable solutions to our customers. Once operational, the boiler will enable the immediate production of eSteam™, our award-winning carbon-free thermal energy product.

Industrial-scale electric boiler arrives at Vicinity’s Kendall facility


November 2023

In November, our industrial-scale electric boiler underwent a factory acceptance test with Vapor Power International and Precision Boiler to ensure it was ready to be delivered and begin operating at our Kendall facility in Cambridge.

The rigorous test included several steps: the team examined the equipment in its final assembly process, then the boiler was disassembled, and the removed piping was painted before the boiler was re-assembled. It was inspected for quality assurance and to ensure the boiler met ASME standards. Then, power on the control cabinet was added. The Human Machine Interface (HMI) and the system’s screens and logic were reviewed. The simulation of alarm and trip signals in the control system was completed.

Finally, the teams discussed shipment details, details on re-assembly at the site, and what is involved in the commissioning and startup of the boiler. Vicinity’s Senior Performance Engineer Steve Murphy and Kendall Shift Supervisor Jeff Gawrys witnessed the performance testing.

Industrial-scale electric boiler undergoes factory acceptance testing

The electric boiler undergoes a factory acceptance test with Vapor Power International and Precision Boiler.
The electric boiler undergoes a factory acceptance test with Vapor Power International and Precision Boiler.

April 2023

In April, we announced our partnership with the Augsburg, Germany-based organization MAN Energy Solutions to collaborate in developing low-temperature source heat pump systems for steam generation.

Vicinity plans to install an industrial-scale heat pump complex at our Kendall facility by 2028. Once installed, it will be powered by renewable electricity to harvest energy from the Charles River safely and efficiently, returning it to a lower temperature so as not to harm the river’s environment.

The Cambridge heat pump complex will have a steam export capacity of 35MW, occupy a space of around 25,000 sq ft., and circulate 24.5 million to 49 million gallons of water from the Charles River daily.

MAN Energy Systems and Vicinity Energy partner on the development of industrial-scale heat pumps


February 2023

In February, we announced a long-term partnership with our first eSteam™ customer, IQHQ, Inc., a premier life sciences real estate development company focused on leadership in sustainability. Vicinity will provide eSteam™, our carbon-free, renewable thermal energy offering, to IQHQ to rapidly decarbonize IQHQ’s developments in the Fenway neighborhood.


November 2022

In November 2022, we officially kicked off our electrification plans with the deconstruction of a steam turbine at our Kendall facility. In its place, we are installing an electric boiler, marking a critical step in our commitment to reaching net zero carbon emissions across our operations by 2050.

Boston Mayor Michelle Wu joined us at our Kendall facility to commemorate the milestone.

Kicking off our electrification plans with Mayor Michelle Wu


Empowering life sciences: Achieving sustainability with district energy solutions

Life science companies nationwide are dedicated to cutting-edge research and developing critical innovations and medications. This type of mission-critical work requires reliable energy 24/7, and compared to similarly sized commercial office space, lab facilities require 10 times more energy.

Because of their energy-intensive needs, many life sciences companies have established sustainability goals for eliminating greenhouse gas emissions and protecting the planet. According to McKinsey research, the number of life science companies that have established carbon emission reduction goals increased by nearly 100 from 2019 to 2022. Additionally, many leading U.S. cities with booming life science markets also have aggressive climate action goals, making low-carbon sustainable energy a non-negotiable requirement.

Because of its high demand for energy and ambitious sustainability targets, the life sciences industry has a long history of leveraging green and reliable district energy for sterilization, humidity control, and building heating and cooling. As these companies expand in major U.S. cities close to Vicinity’s district energy systems, like in Philadelphia, Boston, and Baltimore, they can better meet their high energy needs and gain access to the right talent pool.

Vicinity currently provides steam to 33 life science facilities, totaling nearly 27 million square feet of building space. From supporting The Curtis’ office space to lab conversion in Philadelphia and providing carbon-free eSteamTM to IQHQ’s Fenway neighborhood district developments in Boston, district energy enables life science companies to excel as leaders in research and sustainability.

Why district energy is a trusted solution

State-of-the-art office and lab spaces support life science companies’ efforts to continuously operate without interruption, attract and retain top talent, and fulfill their corporate sustainability goals. While aging natural gas boilers require continuous maintenance and contribute to significant greenhouse gas emissions in the atmosphere due to the onsite combustion of fossil fuels, district steam better suits life sciences companies’ energy-intensive demand for heating, hot water, and sterilization without the ongoing maintenance costs.

Meeting high energy and reliability demands 

Laboratories have particular and stringent energy requirements. From ventilation, space temperature, and humidity requirements to sterilization of laboratory tools and equipment, life science companies need high-quality, reliable thermal energy at a high volume to support their critical operations. Any potential interruptions can lead to millions of dollars in lost research and development, presenting a financial burden for life science companies and detrimental risks to advancing fundamental medical discoveries.

Optimizing energy efficiency to fulfill corporate sustainability goals 

By leveraging district energy, facilities better support life sciences companies’ operational needs and sustainability commitments. Rather than relying on onsite boilers that continuously burn fossil fuels 24/7, companies only access steam when needed, maximizing the efficiency of their operations. Vicinity’s green steam is generated in combined heat and power (CHP) facilities, which produce electricity while simultaneously capturing waste heat that would otherwise be lost under conventional methods.

CHP systems are 25% more efficient than onsite generation, saving energy and reducing greenhouse emissions.

As Vicinity invests in upgrades at our central facilities, Vicinity’s operations will rely solely on renewable, carbon-free fuel sources and innovative technologies—including a blend of electric boilers, an industrial-scale heat pump complex, and thermal storage—to generate eSteam™. This transition enables life sciences customers, like IQHQ, to lead the way in decarbonization. Because district energy is safer, more efficient, and more resilient than conventional onsite energy generation, life sciences companies are closer to meeting their ambitious corporate goals.

Boosting tenant retention and satisfaction

In collaboration with life sciences real estate developers, Vicinity helps adapt buildings to better suit their needs. Building owners can rest assured that Vicinity’s long-term clean and reliable energy solution will enhance the overall satisfaction of their premier life sciences tenants while eliminating risks associated with outdated and inefficient equipment.

Benefits of district energy for mission-critical life sciences operations

Our energy solutions for life sciences are reliable and green, helping advance the innovations that propel our communities forward and protect our world.

  • Increased reliability and sustainability – Without the burden of onsite combustion or maintaining chillers or boilers, district energy is a safer and more sustainable alternative. We have a 99.99% reliability guarantee and a team of over 450 energy experts, allowing you to focus on your work while we ensure 24/7 energy delivery.
  • Optimal sterilization and humidification – The CDC recommends steam sanitation over conventional sanitation methods. Vicinity can provide a safer, more environmentally friendly energy solution to keep life science facilities primed for innovation.
  • Uninterrupted energy supply – Proper operations and maintenance (O&M) of energy infrastructure ensures that laboratories and medical research facilities can rely on a reliable and uninterrupted thermal energy supply.

Get started with district energy today to decarbonize your life science buildings and access reliable, uninterrupted service.

Charging ahead: Vicinity’s decarbonization pathway through electrification

Mitigating carbon in the U.S.’s production and distribution of energy is now just as critically important as society’s ever-growing need for energy. The federal government, states, and local municipalities are implementing, drafting, and debating new laws, regulations, and programs to swiftly push the clean energy transition and decarbonization.

Commercial buildings represent the highest source of carbon emissions in major cities, making them one of the most critical targets in urban decarbonization. New York City’s Local Law 97 was the first to set restrictions around carbon emissions on existing and new buildings—with Boston following close behind with Building Emissions Reduction and Disclosure Ordinance (BERDO) 2.0.  As communities strive to lessen the impacts of climate change and building owners look to comply with these evolving mandates, it’s clear that resilient, reliable, and agile energy solutions are needed for a more sustainable future.

The first district energy electrification strategy in the U.S.

One of the most valuable assets in achieving aggressive decarbonization targets is district energy, a network of underground pipes that delivers thermal energy and chilled water to buildings in urban communities. Because district energy systems are agile, flexible, and agnostic to fuel sources, they are essential tools to decarbonize communities at scale. As clean energy technology evolves and more renewable sources become available, Vicinity is quickly adapting to emerging trends to eliminate carbon from operations at central facilities in 12 cities across the country.

In 2020, Vicinity pledged to achieve net zero carbon emissions across its operations by 2050. As Vicinity delivers steam for heating, cooling, and sterilization to customers ranging from state-of-the-art life sciences research facilities to Class A commercial office space, the company remains committed to providing reliable and affordable products to help customers eliminate carbon emissions.

How Vicinity is getting there 

The backbone of Vicinity’s decarbonization plan is the electrification of its operations by utilizing a combination of existing infrastructure and implementing new, innovative technologies at Vicinity’s central facilities.

Like district energy systems in Canada and Europe, Vicinity will import carbon-free electrons through co-located substations to power electric boilers and industrial-scale heat pumps. These technologies with thermal storage will deliver safe, clean, and reliable carbon-free steam, known as eSteamTM, for heating, cooling, sterilization, humidification, and other thermal energy needs.

While the technologies will vary at each of Vicinity’s central thermal energy facilities, below is a quick snapshot of the overall electrification strategy:

    • Biogenic fuel: A truly circular solution, Vicinity uses the waste cooking oil discarded by the local food service industry to generate steam. Vicinity has replaced heating oil with LR100, a biogenic fuel derived from waste vegetable oil. Benefits include significantly reducing greenhouse gas emissions by over 80% compared to distillate fuel and improving local air quality by reducing nitrogen oxides, sulfur oxides, and particulate emissions.
    • Heat pumps: Vicinity is partnering with a Germany-based energy provider to develop a low-temperature water-source heat pump system for carbon-free eSteamTM generation. These plans are already in motion as Vicinity looks ahead to 2028 when the Kendall facility in Cambridge will be home to Massachusetts’s largest planned industrial-scale heat pump complex. Installation at other locations in Philadelphia and Kansas City will follow.
    • Electric boilers: Leveraging existing infrastructure and access to a lower-cost, transmission-level electrical supply, Vicinity will consume renewable power from the grid and import it to its facility through the co-located substation to produce carbon-free eSteamTM.
    • Thermal storage: Vicinity will procure renewable electricity when available and costs are lower (typically overnight for offshore wind) to generate eSteamTM and store it for when demand is high, dramatically lowering customers’ average cost of renewable thermal energy.

What this means for Vicinity’s district energy customers and communities 

Vicinity’s decarbonization journey enables buildings to transition to clean energy sources at scale and seamlessly achieve carbon reductions without any additional capital needed. As federal, state, and city officials enact building performance standards to reduce existing and new buildings’ carbon footprint, Vicinity continues to invest in infrastructure at central facilities. It enables customers to comply with these evolving standards. Vicinity’s eSteamTM sets customers on a rapid pathway to decarbonize by 2050 and achieve their ambitious ESG initiatives. With eSteamTM, Vicinity’s valued customers, like IQHQ, can provide resilient and responsible spaces to positively impact their building occupants and the surrounding community.

Powering healthcare facilities with district energy

Hospital administrators have one key concern that drives all decision-making: how to provide the highest quality care to their patients cost-effectively and efficiently. In today’s challenging environment, hospital leadership is thinking of ways to reduce costs while maintaining high patient care and safety standards.

Unique energy demands require reliable, green solutions

It’s no secret that hospitals have unique energy needs. Given the critical care that hospitals and healthcare facilities provide, any disruption to energy delivery can have dire consequences.

In addition, hospitals serve patients 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Their operations depend on energy for heating, cooling, and, importantly, sterilization to ensure patient safety. These demanding energy needs mean that healthcare facilities consume nearly 10% of the total energy used in U.S. commercial buildings and spend more than $8 billion annually.

Many leading U.S. cities also have aggressive climate action goals. Hospitals typically have an energy use intensity nearly three times that of the average commercial building, so sustainable energy has become a non-negotiable requirement for hospitals and medical facilities that provide cutting-edge care.

How Vicinity can help

Today, lighting, space heating, and water heating represent about 65% of hospital energy use. Hospitals and healthcare facilities must have a reliable energy partner that provides continuous energy delivery while keeping costs low and reducing carbon emissions.

Vicinity currently serves nearly 28 million square feet of healthcare facility space in the U.S. By connecting to Vicinity’s district energy systems, healthcare teams have access to reliable, sustainable, and clean energy and are supported by a team of experts to ensure their property is always running smoothly and efficiently. Our specialists include experienced licensed engineers, operators, and financial professionals.

In Baltimore, leading healthcare providers at Mercy Medical Center have relied on Vicinity’s district energy system to power their critical care since 1963. One of the top hospitals in Baltimore, Maryland, Mercy Medical Center is renowned for excellence in primary care and specialty care in women’s health, cancer, digestive health, liver disease, and more. While Vicinity provides chilled water and steam for the hospital’s daily operations, Mercy can focus on fostering a community of compassionate care for their patients.

Robert Beckwith, vice president of support services and construction at Mercy Medical Center, offered his perspective on the partnership: “The steam and chilled water services that Vicinity Energy provides are crucial to the operational efficiency of our hospital and support our mission to provide excellent and compassionate clinical care to all citizens of Baltimore.”

Additionally, Vicinity has partnered with Oklahoma State University (OSU) to provide chilled water and steam service to a new medical campus. This project will combine multiple existing buildings into a state-of-the-art hospital. Vicinity will serve the entire 58-bed medical-surgical inpatient hospital for Oklahoma veterans, totaling over 275,000 square feet of building space. District energy will allow the medical campus to provide the highest level of care for Tulsa’s veteran population.

Vicinity’s long-term partnerships with healthcare institutions in Baltimore and beyond enable healthcare teams to focus on providing quality clinical care to patients.

How district energy supports optimal patient care

By relying on our energy experts to manage energy infrastructure and ensure an uninterrupted supply of service, healthcare providers can focus on what matters most: advancing human health and saving lives.

  • Increased reliability and sustainability – District energy is safer and more sustainable than onsite chillers or boilers.
  • Maximized critical space – District energy service eliminates the need for in-building boilers, chillers, and cooling towers so that healthcare facilities can free up space for life-saving equipment. Hospitals connected to district systems can make smart, economical use of all the space that would otherwise be dedicated to large, costly equipment.
  • Optimized sterilization and humidification – The CDC recommends steam sanitation over conventional sanitation methods. Hospitals use our high-pressure steam for space humidification to support infection control and patient comfort. Our clean steam solutions provide proper air and comfort for healing, empowering hospital staff to provide patients with top-quality care.
  • Uninterrupted energy supply – Healthcare facilities with existing onsite energy plants require experienced O&M experts to ensure that they are operating correctly, and that energy is supplied at all times. Proper O&M of energy infrastructure is essential to ensuring that healthcare facilities have the energy to operate 24/7.

Get started with district energy today to decarbonize your healthcare facilities and access reliable, uninterrupted service.

District energy supports higher education climate plans and journeys to 100% carbon neutrality

With approximately 5,300 colleges and universities in the U.S., there is a significant opportunity to improve the energy efficiency of campus buildings and the communities they operate in. According to the U.S. Energy Information Association, higher education campuses consume approximately 18.9 kilowatt-hours of electricity and 17 cubic feet of natural gas per square foot of floor space yearly, equating to significant carbon footprints and high energy costs.

In recent years, more than 330 universities and colleges have established climate action plans with aggressive targets, including becoming 100% carbon-neutral campuses by 2050 or sooner. To realize these ambitious goals, these institutions need to reduce building emissions and optimize energy efficiency while maintaining reliability with their energy solution.

Consisting of hundreds of academic buildings, medical centers, dormitories, and lab spaces, many university campuses are nestled in urban areas close to Vicinity’s district energy systems. Several major universities in Boston, Philadelphia, Baltimore, West Virginia, and other cities have long histories of relying on district energy for heating, cooling, lab processes, and humidification control.

Vicinity currently provides steam and chilled water to 23 higher education campuses, totaling over 32 million square feet of building space. These academic institutions use district energy to keep their campuses operating smoothly and leverage district energy to underscore their commitment to improving the world, combatting climate change, and fulfilling their sustainability missions. These efforts ultimately help attract sustainability-minded students and enable the universities to gain national attention for their impressive sustainability accomplishments.

Why district energy is a trusted solution

Vicinity partners with higher education institutions to explore opportunities for energy efficiency improvement and strategies to meet carbon neutrality. In collaboration with the universities’ facilities teams, Vicinity helps optimize their campuses’ energy consumption and reduce their carbon footprints with reliable district steam, tailored preventative maintenance programs, and training sessions. eSteamTM, Vicinity’s carbon-free renewable energy product, is an innovative solution for universities and colleges with the most aggressive carbon reduction goals, ensuring they are on the fastest track to eliminate their campus’ carbon emissions.

In particular, Emerson College leverages eSteamTM to not only achieve the City of Boston’s carbon emissions reduction targets established as part of BERDO 2.0 but also achieve its own sustainability goals, which are even more aggressive than the city’s mandate. With eSteamTM, Emerson is on a streamlined path to a carbon-neutral and resilient campus by 2030.

Continuous improvement drives reliability and efficiency

Vicinity and many of our higher education customers have worked closely together over the years to drive improvements at Vicinity’s central facilities and on their campuses. As Vicinity upgrades our central district energy facilities, higher education customers immediately reap the benefits, including improved reliability and reduced carbon emissions.

As Vicinity continues to upgrade our central district energy facilities with electric boilers, heat pumps, and thermal storage as part of our Clean Energy Future commitment, district energy will further align with schools’ climate action goals. While we are first kicking off our electrification plans in Boston and Cambridge to support schools like Emerson College, we are rolling out these upgrades to our other locations. Emerson and other schools’ climate action goals highlight their commitment to a cleaner future, and their notable progress towards reducing their impact on the planet through district energy underscores their bold leadership in a climate-uncertain world.

Proactive maintenance supported by Vicinity’s experts 

Vicinity partners with schools to improve their operations by offering training tailored to the unique needs of the facilities teams and providing operations and maintenance support. Vicinity’s onsite training equips the facilities teams with the tools to proactively maintain their equipment and prevent interruptions in service, which is especially critical for medical campuses. Topics include steam trap inspections, pressure regulating valves (PRVs), and other critical equipment.

District energy for critical campus operations 

Our energy solutions for higher education facilities are reliable and green, helping advance the innovations that propel our customers and communities forward and protect the world we live in.

  • Increased reliability and sustainability – Without the burden of onsite combustion or maintaining chillers or boilers, district energy is a safer and more sustainable alternative. We have a 99.99% reliability guarantee and a team of over 450 energy experts, allowing you to focus on your work while we ensure 24/7 energy delivery.
  • Optimal sterilization and humidification – The CDC recommends steam sanitation over conventional sanitation methods. Vicinity can provide a safer, more environmentally friendly energy solution to keep your educational workspaces and laboratories primed for innovation.
  • Uninterrupted energy supply – Proper operations and maintenance (O&M) of energy infrastructure is essential to ensuring that campus buildings, including dormitories, laboratories, and research facilities, can rely on an uninterrupted thermal energy supply.
  • Remote monitoring – If your campus needs energy O&M support by a qualified engineer but does not require someone full-time onsite, we can provide remote monitoring of your energy infrastructure at our innovative control centers.
  • Energy efficiency and optimization – From efficiency assessments and investments to project implementation, our experts will create and provide a custom energy strategy to optimize your campus energy assets and provide solutions that drive energy efficiency.

Get started with district energy today to decarbonize your campus’ buildings and access reliable, uninterrupted service.

Digital billing made easy with the Vicinity Energy bill pay portal

Our commitment to sustainability and our customers extends beyond providing clean, affordable energy solutions to decarbonize cities and communities.

Partnering with both J.P. Morgan Chase and leading billing and payment solution provider Paymentus, our team has made a key transformation to increase digitization and allow our customers flexibility in paying their monthly invoices through an online bill pay option at

Bringing greater convenience to bill pay

Vicinity’s bill pay portal offers new payment methods that will deliver greater flexibility in how customers pay and manage their monthly invoices, accepting both ACH debit payments and all major credit cards.

To make monthly payments as simple as possible, we have also added AutoPay to our payment options. Customers who sign up for AutoPay enjoy “set-it-and-forget-it” convenience by automatically having their payment made each month. This capability allows customers to set a preferred payment date (e.g., the 20th calendar date of every month, or the due date on your monthly invoice) and automatically make payment from the customer’s saved bank account or credit card each month. Customers will receive payment confirmation once the payment has been made and can edit or cancel AutoPay elections anytime.

To sign up for AutoPay, visit the bill pay portal and select AutoPay within the menu. You can set your preferred payment date and enter your payment information.

Reducing our carbon footprint

An extended benefit of our digital customer payment portal is the reduction of paper consumption. Our commitment to net zero carbon is about more than the energy we provide and how we provide it: by reducing the amount of paper in our billing and payment process, we can ensure that we are limiting the environmental impact of our entire business operation.

Payment options, including AutoPay and credit cards, help us eliminate dependence on paper-based processes. These processes are faster, more efficient, and aligned with our mission of lowering our carbon footprint and curbing climate change.

Getting started

The customer payment portal offers an intuitive design that makes managing your account accessible than ever—simply login to your account to view the full menu of payment options and set your preferences.

For more information on our bill pay portal and how it can help you better manage and pay your invoice, please contact us or visit our frequently asked questions page.

Heating reimagined: heat pumps for building decarbonization

Industrial heat pumps are revolutionizing the way we heat buildings. With the ability to produce temperatures of up to 150C, these robust systems have become a sustainable solution for across the globe. As the demand for carbon-free heating increases, the shift away from fossil fuels is finally gaining momentum.

Vicinity is diving into the world of heat pumps

Vicinity is entering a new era of sustainability and installing heat pumps as a cutting-edge technology that provides a carbon-free heating solution to our customers and aligns with ambitious emissions reduction goals nationwide.

In April 2023, Vicinity announced our partnership with MAN Energy Solutions to develop low-temperature source heat pump systems for eSteam™ generation. These plans are already in motion as we look ahead to 2028, when Vicinity’s Kendall facility in Cambridge will be home to Massachusetts’s largest industrial-scale heat pump complex.

Drawing inspiration from heat pump successes in Europe, this venture will create ripples on a national scale and serve as a testament to Boston’s commitment to shaping a greener future. Powered by renewable electricity, Vicinity’s heat pump complex will safely and efficiently harvest energy from the Charles River, returning it at a lower temperature.

With the heating sector responsible for a staggering 30 to 40% of global CO2 emissions, the time to implement sustainable energy solutions is now. Vicinity’s sustainability plans mirror the examples set by cities like Glasgow, Scotland, and Drammen, Norway, where water-source heat pumps have already made their mark. The first water-source heat pump that emerged in Glasgow in 2021 is three times more efficient than natural gas boilers and allows the city to tap into the renewable power of the River Clyde, just as Vicinity will do in Cambridge with the Charles River.

How will Vicinity’s heat pump complex work?

Vicinity is transforming district energy in the cities we operate in by installing an industrial-scale heat complex. By 2028, this complex will be operational at our Kendall facility, and installation in other systems in cities like Philadelphia and Kansas City will follow.

This innovative heat pump will draw heat from nearby water sources to generate steam and improve the system’s efficiency. The technology functions similarly to an air conditioning system, only it accomplishes the reverse on a much grander scale. Ensuring that the river and its ecosystems remain unharmed, the river intake system lifts heat from the river and brings it into our facilities.

Since most of this heat is transported rather than generated, heat pumps are much more efficient than traditional heating methods such as natural gas boilers and heaters, resulting in lower operational costs for building owners.

So, how are our plans progressing? Today, we are engineering the first planned industrial-scale heat pump complex at our Kendall, MA facility, and preparing our facility for its installation. The heat pump will occupy a space of approximately 25,000 sq. ft., and it will circulate through 24.5 million – 49 million gallons of water from the Charles River each day, returning the water to the river at a lower temperature.

Early design of the industrial-scale heat pump Vicinity Energy is developing.

Our systems will also employ electric boilers and molten salt thermal battery storage to fully decarbonize our footprint. Leveraging our existing system of underground steam pipes, we will seamlessly provide our customers with carbon-free eSteam™. Our first electric boiler will enter service in Cambridge in 2024.

What are the benefits of heat pumps?

Vicinity’s plans to utilize innovative industrial-scale heat pumps at our facilities present several benefits to our community and customers.

  • Harnessing local resources: The industrial-scale heat pump complex at our Kendall facility will harness the untapped thermal energy from the Charles River, setting new standards for sustainable urban energy production.
  • Phased implementation: Vicinity is rolling out this technology in stages. Our 42MW electric boiler will be operational this fall, and we are planning to install the 32MW water-source heat pump complex in 2028.
  • Leveraging existing infrastructure: Utilizing our 26-miles of steam distribution infrastructure and high-voltage connection to the grid will minimize urban disruption while providing a clear path to net zero emissions.
  • Empowering building owners: By shifting energy and operations risk to Vicinity’s central facilities, we enable cost-effective compliance with performance standards, accelerating adoption and the energy transition.
  • Replicable model: Vicinity’s initiatives in Boston and Cambridge serve as a blueprint for urban decarbonization across the U.S., enabling rapid, large-scale implementation.
  • Immediate and scalable impact: Vicinity is rapidly decarbonizing urban building spaces, starting with 70 million square feet in Boston and Cambridge and expanding to decarbonize 250 million square feet of customer space nationwide. By acting swiftly, we maximize the time value of carbon reduction, amplifying our climate impact.

District energy systems are agile. By replacing fossil fuel infrastructure with industrial-scale technologies such as heat pumps, we can effectively decarbonize our communities without retrofitting or installing new electrical infrastructure in our customers’ buildings.

Our history and future: Vicinity Energy in Philadelphia

Vicinity Energy, a trusted and reliable provider of district energy solutions, has a deep-rooted history in Philadelphia. District energy has been an integral part of the city’s energy infrastructure for over a century, evolving alongside the city of Philadelphia’s growth and development.

District energy’s early beginnings in Philadelphia

Philadelphia’s district energy system dates back to 1889 when the Edison Electric Light Company of Philadelphia—which later became part of the Philadelphia Electric Company—generated and sold electricity from its central facility at 908 Sansom Street. The company created an additional source of revenue by using exhaust steam from the facility’s engines to provide heating to a nearby house at 917 Walnut Street.

In 1903, a year after several local electrical companies consolidated to form the Philadelphia Electric Company, the company opened the first large-scale, centralized power facility in Philadelphia, the Schuylkill Station. Located at the intersection of Christian Street and Schuylkill Avenue, the facility’s original boiler house consisted of forty boilers powered by coal, which arrived by barge up the Schuylkill River.

Over the years, Philadelphia Electric Company made various updates to the facility to keep up with the increasing demand for electricity and different kinds of electricity used for various applications. In 1911, due to the demand for 25-cycle electricity to supply the street railway system, a frequency changer substation was installed to convert 60-cycle to 25-cycle.​ A year later, due to rapidly increasing demand for the 60-cycle system, the company’s transmission voltage had to undergo a material increase from a 6,000-volt two-phase system to a 13,200-volt three-phase system. In 1917, a 20MW 25-cycle turbine generator was installed.

As demand for both 60-cycle and 25-cycle electricity continued to increase, a new facility was built alongside the original Schuylkill Station. This new facility, known as Building A-2 at the time, ​housed a 35MW 60-cycle turbine generator—the world’s largest at the time—and a 30MW 25-cycle turbine generator.

In 1937, the ever-increasing need to supply Philadelphia with more 60-cycle power facilitated another major expansion at the station.​ Two 1250 pounds per square inch (psi) boilers were installed, superimposed over the existing equipment.​ The original 40 boilers in the station were removed, and a 50MW turbine generator was installed. This was a non-condensing turbine, which exhausted steam at 230 psi. The generator was also hydrogen-cooled, an innovative and efficient solution at the time.​

As the Philadelphia Electric Company built other steam-generating facilities, like Willow Street Station, and developed its energy infrastructure, the company constructed a vast underground network to serve various buildings around the city with steam. The system became the third-largest district steam heating system in the United States. In 1950, Schuylkill Station was integrated into Philadelphia’s steam distribution network and eventually became the predominant steam supply. In 1957, 908 Sansom Street was rebuilt as a steam facility with additional boilers installed over the years. In 1997, a 163MW combined cycle plant, known as the Grays Ferry facility, made up of a 118MW gas turbine and 45MW steam turbine, was installed to efficiently provide 1.4 million pounds per hour of steam, displacing the existing 1937 generator and boilers.

A rich history of fuel switching

While coal was used as the steam facilities’ primary fuel source, the boilers were converted to oil in 1937 and later used natural gas. Today, Vicinity’s Grays Ferry facility relies on the efficient combined heat and power (CHP) process to generate heat and electricity simultaneously. Vicinity also leverages LR100 biogenic fuel, waste cooking oil discarded by the local food service industry, to generate steam​ while pushing the clean energy transition, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and improving local air quality.

How district energy supports Philadelphia today

Since Vicinity’s acquisition of Philadelphia’s district energy system in 2020, we have made significant investments in the infrastructure to improve reliability, resiliency, and efficiency. The Grays Ferry cogeneration facility serves over 72 million square feet of building space with steam, including notable landmarks such as the Walnut Street Theatre, 2 Liberty Place, and Jefferson Health.

The Grays Ferry cogeneration facility demonstrates our impact on the local energy landscape. By generating steam transported through a network of 41 miles of underground pipes, we provide heating and cooling to various Center City office buildings, healthcare, life science, and university campuses.

Our commitment to reducing greenhouse gas emissions is evident in the Grays Ferry facility operations. The district energy system has achieved an annual reduction of nearly 300,000 tons of greenhouse gases, equivalent to removing almost 65,000 cars from the roads yearly. This commitment to sustainability aligns with the City of Philadelphia’s broader climate goals and positions district energy as a critical solution in shaping the city’s clean energy future.

Electrification plans for Vicinity’s Grays Ferry facility

Our plans to electrify Grays Ferry demonstrate our commitment to sustainability and support for the city’s climate goals. To further reduce greenhouse gas emissions, our carbon-free eSteam™ solution integrates renewable energy sources like wind, solar, and hydro and innovative technologies, including industrial-scale electric boilers and a heat pump complex to reduce the facility’s reliance on fossil fuels. Additionally, we plan to investigate thermal energy storage to optimize energy usage, lower costs, and increase efficiency.

Electrifying our Grays Ferry facility will substantially decrease the carbon emissions associated with steam production, aligning with Philadelphia’s goal of achieving carbon neutrality by 2050.

By engaging and partnering with local stakeholders, including government agencies, customers, community groups, and other organizations, we ensure we align with our customers and the city and community sustainability goals. These collaborations will help address potential challenges and identify opportunities for further improvements to contribute to a cleaner, greener Philadelphia for future generations.

Earth Day 2024: Vicinity Energy’s climate progress

Each year, on April 22nd, and throughout the month of April, millions of people around the world get involved in their communities and spread awareness for the environmental movement and the fight against climate change.  

In honor of Earth Day, our teams championed our commitment to sustainability by participating in clean-ups and community events in the areas we serve. Our commitment doesn’t end there: we’re proud to say our teams work to better our communities year-round.

Our progress to net zero carbon emissions

This year, our team has made significant progress in our commitment to sustainability and decarbonization. To achieve net zero carbon emissions across our operations, we are making critical changes at our central facilities in Boston and Cambridge, with our other systems in cities across the country to follow.

These sustainable upgrades will enable us to serve our customers with eSteam™, our renewable thermal energy product. eSteam is designed to rapidly decarbonize the highest source of emissions in major cities: commercial buildings.

To begin offering eSteam™, we are installing electric boilers, industrial-scale heat pumps, and thermal storage at our central facilities. This year, these plans have been set in motion with critical electrification upgrades.

Critical electrification updates

Vicinity started off Earth Month strong with the installation of our new, 42MW electric boiler at our Kendall facility in Cambridge. Our team has been working tirelessly to get this advanced technology up and running, and after months of preparation and coordination, it was finally installed. The boiler will soon deliver carbon-free eSteam™ to our customers.

This first electric asset will enter service in the summer of 2024, when we will procure electricity from renewable, carbon-free energy sources such as wind, solar, and hydro to generate eSteam™. We will purchase this wholesale carbon-free power from the grid, import the power to our facility through a co-located electric substation, and use it to create steam with the electric boiler.

Our teams are also actively engineering the low-temperature source heat pump system that will be employed in conjunction with the electric boiler at our Kendall facility.

We are installing this industrial-scale heat pump complex at our Kendall facility in 2026. Rather than utilize natural gas, the system will allow us to extract energy from the Charles River and use it to preheat water for our new electric boiler, improving the overall efficiency of the system. From there, the water will be returned to the Charles River at a lower temperature so as to not damage the river’s ecosystems.

Over the next few years, our other district energy systems in Philadelphia and Grand Rapids, for example, will employ similar technologies to achieve net zero carbon emissions and offer eSteam™ to our customers. These locations are currently procuring electric boilers to be installed in the next year or two.

Vicinity Energy teams commemorate Earth Day

This year, Vicinity’s teams around the country took action to improve the environment and spread awareness of the environmental movement throughout Earth Month, leading up to Earth Day on April 22nd.

From cleaning up our local parks and rivers, to supporting community efforts, our employees took action this year to better the communities we serve for all.


Boston and Cambridge

Oklahoma City

The Vicinity team in Oklahoma City participated in a river clean-up with OG+E. The team picked up trash along the riverbank of the Oklahoma River in downtown OKC. The event was a collaborative effort among multiple local businesses, and approximately 70 people participated in the clean-up efforts.


Our Baltimore team participated in the University of Maryland Baltimore County Community Day event. The event showcases groundbreaking research conducted at UMBC and its significant impact on the Baltimore community. The team talked with attendees about what electrification upgrades Vicinity Energy is making at its Baltimore facility. 

Preparing chilled water and cooling equipment for extreme summer heat: Best practices for ensuring optimal performance

In the fall, looming cold temperatures and potential storms signal the need for preventative maintenance activities at Vicinity’s central facilities and customers’ buildings. However, as we approach summer’s warmer temperatures, preventative maintenance is just as important.

During the winter months, certain equipment often lies dormant, making it imperative to assess components of chilled water systems and other cooling equipment well in advance of heightened cooling demands. While some property owners diligently prepare their equipment for the impending heat, it is a timely reminder to consult with your energy provider regarding recommended preventive maintenance for the summer season, whether you rely on district chilled water or steam for cooling or manage your onsite chillers and cooling towers.

Why summer preventive maintenance is critical

As spring begins, it presents an opportunity to inspect cooling equipment that lay dormant throughout the heating season. Implementing preventive measures before the onset of summer and escalating temperatures can yield numerous benefits:

  • Improve equipment reliability, function, and overall lifespan
  • Reduce energy consumption, greenhouse gas emissions, and operational costs
  • Prevent unplanned costs and even system downtime
  • Enhance safety and comfort for employees and building occupants
  • Maintain efficient energy delivery
  • Ensure the long-term sustainability of a property

How to prepare cooling equipment for warm weather

Partnering with our customers, Vicinity’s team tailors our preventive maintenance approach to the unique needs of each building. Preventive maintenance activities can be done at any time but are typically conducted in preparation for the winter and the summer to prepare for peak loads due to temperature changes.

Whether customers need support with recommissioning an onsite cooling system or performing seasonal shutdowns to prepare steam systems for the summer, Vicinity’s operations and maintenance experts can help ensure the equipment will operate effectively for the coming summer and the next heating season. Depending on the building’s system, our team can isolate a maintenance issue or conduct a small shutdown event to repair equipment. Ahead of summer temperatures, Vicinity’s team can test a building’s chilled water or steam system during off hours or weekends to identify any problems.

Several elements of cooling systems require inspection every year or more. Let’s dive into the most critical components buildings should focus on when preparing for the cooling season.

Heat exchanger and water samples

A heat exchanger is a system that transfers heat between a source and a working fluid. In the winter, district energy systems transfer heat from the hot water in the district heating system to the cold water in an individual building’s heating system. In the summer, district chilled water customers rely on this equipment to leverage Vicinity’s chilled water to circulate cool air throughout their buildings.

To ensure that heat exchangers function properly, Vicinity’s team takes water samples from the heat exchanger and tests the water for conductivity. This test helps ensure that tube bundles are not leaking and that city water is not entering the system through such leaks. It’s also important to make sure these systems are clean and are not experiencing any leaks.

Pressure Regulating Valves (PRVs)

Pressure regulating valves (PRVs) are designed to reduce incoming steam pressure to ensure safe steam distribution. Vicinity’s team identifies the PRV’s make, model, size, and serial number. They will then test the valve for leaks, clean orifices, check diaphragm plates, test the gauging, and set it to the desired system pressure.

Testing PRVs is important because failed PRVs may cause system over-pressurization and relief values to release steam into the atmosphere. If a PRV fails, it can also improperly cycle open and closed, oversupplying and then starving the downstream equipment of steam. Testing includes inspecting the PRV operating mechanism (pneumatic, hydraulic, or motor-operated). Whether a building turns off steam for summer or leverages steam for cooling purposes, PRV testing is critical for overall system efficiency and reducing any potential energy losses.

Mechanical room hot water loop

In a building’s mechanical room, Vicinity’s team inspects all piping, inlet/outlet temperatures, and pressures on heat exchangers and mechanical pumps.

This inspection confirms the adequate operation of key energy transfer equipment, such as heat exchangers, which supply building heat, hot water, and other process loads. It is also important to note the general condition and function testing of space heaters and heat tracing.

Cooling towers and chillers

Chillers and cooling towers are important components of some buildings’ cooling systems. While chillers cool down water using a refrigerant, which is then circulated through the building to absorb heat from the air, cooling towers then reject heat from the chillers’ condenser water and return it to the condenser at a lower temperature as part of the system’s refrigeration cycle.

Vicinity can partner with customers who do not leverage district chilled water and own onsite cooling towers and chillers, providing additional operation and maintenance support to ensure a seamless transition to summer.

Cooling tower maintenance activities for customers who own and operate onsite equipment include disinfecting equipment ahead of seasonal startup to prevent the growth of harmful bacteria; replacing oil in gearboxes to prevent friction and corrosion; performing vibration analysis to mitigate risks related to increased noise, safety concerns, and system inefficiencies; inspecting and repairing distribution spray pipes and nozzles; cleaning basins; and upgrading fan blades and drive shafts as needed.

Chiller maintenance includes removing any dirt or debris collected throughout the year to optimize airflow; checking levels of refrigerant and assessing if additional refrigerant should be added; inspecting all chiller and condenser pumps; cleaning and servicing all variable frequency drives (VFDs) and glycol heat exchangers, the equipment used to cool VFDs; taking oil samples and adjusting levels; and cleaning condenser tubes to maximize equipment lifespan and improve overall energy efficiency.

Summer preparedness checklist

Vicinity’s facilities, especially those with chilled water, take extensive measures to prepare for summer temperatures before the beginning of April. This ensures that our facilities and teams are prepared for any weather or heat-related emergency. Mid-season, Vicinity performs additional maintenance to ensure smooth operation of the central facilities before scorching weather conditions, hurricanes, tornadoes, tropical cyclones, floods, or other extreme summer weather events. Each day, Vicinity monitors atmospheric pressure, humidity, and temperature to anticipate and meet customer buildings’ energy demands, and confirms redundancies are in place to minimize any disruptions to steam or chilled water service.

However, every building should take several steps to ensure summer readiness and prepare for upcoming heat waves and extreme weather conditions threatening the cooling system’s efficiency, structural integrity, and the safety and comfort of building occupants. Check out our complete checklist to prepare staff and equipment for the coming warm temperatures.

Vicinity’s experts are here to help

Taking proactive steps to maintain your building’s energy systems and prepare for the summer can lead to significant benefits. From lower energy use and carbon emissions to increased safety awareness, the effort invested in preparing your building for hot weather pays off.

Vicinity’s experts are here to help with all your energy needs year-round. Give our energy experts a call to:

  • Work on repairs
  • Submit quotes before the coming cooling season
  • Get help preparing your budgets for next year
  • Schedule a site visit to get preventive maintenance assessments from our team
  • Explore leveraging chilled water or steam for cooling
  • Get support for operating and maintaining your onsite chillers and cooling towers

Learn more about Vicinity’s comprehensive maintenance services offered year-round to optimize building systems’ efficiency, reliability, and cost savings.